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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I'M FROM BARCELONA - Live @ Southpaw

Swedish act I'M FROM BARCELONA played Southpaw in Brooklyn last night and it was really awesome. Fresh from Lollapalooza and a free show with BLONDE REDHEAD at McCarren Pool, all 29 members crowded onto the small stage, some wearing capes and/or masks. It felt like what it might be like if world peace had been secured and this was thee celebration party of the ages - balloons everywhere, constant confetti explosions, and one happy sing-a-long after another. One guy was even wearing a t-shirt that said "Make Music Not Missiles". You have to love these Swedes, as they are so cute and endearingly optimistic.

Unfortunately, my camera completely sucks, especially when there is a lot of movement and lights. So don't get me wrong, I know these images are pretty awful.

-can you see them? they really are there

-the crowd got really into it

-the confetti aftermath

For an idea of what these guys and gals are like live (minus the balloons and confetti), check out this 2006 clip of the band performing 'We're From Barcelona' live on a Swedish television show.

I'm From Barcelona - We're From Barcelona (live video)

If you have yet to hear the debut album "Let Me Introduce My Friends", do yourself a favor and check it out. It is the perfect cure for any foul mood, depression, hangover, or general state of unrest. The disc is out on Mute Records now.

Join the party at

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