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Thursday, August 23, 2007

BECK - 'Timebomb'

I know everyone likes to think that BECK is passee at this point, but what the hell! His new one-off single 'Timebomb' is so great. Let's say we lump Mr. Hansen in with the mainstream majority of radio artists making music these days and this song seems like a diamond in the rough. As far as I can tell, the track does not come from a forthcoming album, soundtrack, compilation or anything, just available as a single for download on iTunes. Do it now. This is 2007 pop at its finest. Now rip me to shreds, Beck haters.


Clive Dangerously said...

Thank God someone likes it. I was doing a search to find out what's said at the beginning, but all I could turn up was people bashing the song. I think some folks take themselves and their tastes too seriously.

Unknown said...

Who the Fuck doesn't like beck? and for those people saying oooh me! you guys suck