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Monday, April 21, 2008

Countdown to Coachella 4 Days...


Say what you will about their latest album Seventh Tree, but I love it. Live, Goldfrapp are always majestic, sexy and flawless. I thought Goldfrapp should have been added to the 2006 line-up, but better late than never! I really hope they get a nighttime slot on the Outdoor Stage. This will be truly memorable.

Goldfrapp - Twist (music video)


Datarock are a super fun live band. All the guys wear their trademark red jogging suits and always put on an energetic show that gets the crowd dancing. I have a feeling they will be playing in the Mojave tent, so get ready to move a lot and sweat your arse off.

Datarock - Fa Fa Fa (music video)


Calvin Harris is straight up British dance pop. His new album was stolen so it may be a while before we get to hear some new tunes from him...but in the meantime, we can all get down to some of the excellent tracks off his last one, like "Merrymaking At My Place", "Girls", and "Acceptable in the 80's".

Calvin Harris - Acceptable in the 80's (music video)


The Teenagers are another risky choice, as I'm not sure how their music will translate to the live setting. But, just in case their isn't someone better playing at the same time, I have these guys in my periphery. At the very least it should be a good dose of trivial fun.

The Teenagers - Starlett Johansson (music video)

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