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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

ROBYN - "The Rakamonie EP"

Robyn is finally ready to make her big splash in North America, starting with the US release of "The Rakamonie EP". The five track EP was originally released in a slightly different format in the UK well over a year ago. The main difference here is that an acoustic version of 'With Every Heartbeat' replaces the cover of Saul Williams' 'List of Demands'. Other than that, everything is here, including her take on Prince's nasty early track 'Jack U Off', as well as the ballad version of 'Be Mine'.

Speaking of 'Be Mine', Robyn has released a new video for the Ocelot remix of the track. Check it out below.

"The Rakamonie EP" hits North American (digital) shops on January 29th, followed by the eponymous album release in April. As well, if you live in LA, NYC, or San Francisco, you can catch Robyn live! Here are the select dates:

Feb. 5 NYC - Highline Ballroom
Feb. 7 San Francisco - Popscene
Feb. 9 West Hollywood - The Troubadour

Robyn - Be Mine (Ocelot remix)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Finally! Now release a special edition of the album with all the bideos and remixes!