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Wednesday, December 13, 2006

New Music 2007 - INTERPOL

The following message is posted on INTERPOL's official website, promising good things to come from the NY band in the next year:

"Ladies and Gentlemen,
We are now recording album 3. The studio is in NYC, and we're enjoying being local.
The atmosphere and the environs of a recording facility affect the sound and feel of an album in the subtlest ways.
And we are affected. And it is subtle.
Sounds great so far. But we'll be here for a while yet.
Upward and outward. Begin, begin.
Big kisses all around.

INTERPOL are one of the greatest bands of the last decade and I'm really looking forward to the third album. I wonder if they'll change it up, or stick with the defining sound on their first two LP's.

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