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Thursday, October 23, 2008

CMJ 08 Wednesday

-Crystal Antlers at Continental Army Plaza, Brooklyn

I started off Wednesday with a non-CMJ show, part of Todd P's week of free shows at the Continental Army Plaza in Williamsburg. Yes it was outside. Yes it was cold. But that didn't seem to put a damper on Crystal Antlers' ferocious performance. These guys are a loud and gritty, somewhat oversexed, desert rock band from Long Beach CA, whose music may have felt more at home in the grunge era. They sounded really great outside, with the J train passing over the Williamsburg Bridge in the background. It was kind of perfect.


I headed over to Piano's, intending to catch the Free Yr Radio showcase with Bumblebeez and Chairlift. When I got there I discovered Bumblebeez had been replaced by a band I had never heard of. Since I was there I went in and caught BM Linx, a bass-heavy softcore metal band that had the crowd in a tizzy, but I was really not into it. For me it was like watching a hair band on the Sunset Strip circa 1991. Not my thing.

It got really crowded and I had two hours until Chairlift were scheduled to go on, so I decided to change up my plans. I headed down to the Knitting Factory for the After the Jump showcase.

-Bad Veins

A pleasant surprise was Bad Veins of Cincinnati, Ohio. The duo are comprised of Ben Davis (vocals, guitar, synth) and Sebastian Schultz (drums) and they make dramatic rock music with an electronic backbone. I was really impressed with Davis' captivating performance - utilizing a megaphone to accentuate his complex and soaring vocals. Davis is a true artist and that became clear almost immediately.

-Crystal Antlers

In a funny case of irony, Crystal Antlers were also on the bill at the Knitting Factory. So yes, I unintentionally saw them twice in one night. And they rocked it both times!

-Heloise & the Savoir Faire

Heloise & the Savoir Faire were completely amazing, though the crowd had suddenly dissipated to about fifteen people, most of which were dancing their asses off. Heloise and her collective were high energy, rock 'n' roll fun, with a twist of carnival for flavor. I would really love to see these guys play a packed house. They would so own it.

-all photos by Scot Bowman

1 comment:

zandland said...

damn, scot!
thanks for the awesome CMJ coverage!