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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Sky Report in Hawaii!

In five hours I step onto a flight all the way from bitter cold Brooklyn to the warm beaches of Waikiki. Actually, I'll be staying in Kailua for the most part, with brief stops in Maui, Kona and Hilo.

If anyone reading this lives in Hawaii, please let me know if there is any music to check out. I would love to write something about music in Hawaii while I'm there. At the moment, all I know of is Cyndi Lauper's brief Hawaiian tour, which seems utterly perfect. Big fan. I'll be at the Kona show on January 5th.

In the spirit of the trip, check out Thieves of Kailua (who are actually from Seattle). Their Hawaiian fused sound will help you escape the Christmas chill. They've even got a few great Christmas songs to download here.

I will be blogging lightly from Hawaii until January 7.

DOWNLOAD - Thieves of Kailua - Thieves of Kailua
(via Millpond Records)

DOWNLOAD - Thieves of Kailua - On the Waikiki
(via Millpond Records)


Anonymous said...

i like that term, "light blogging" .... have fun out there, guys!

seandonson said...

Say hi to Ryan if you see him and have fun Bowbow.