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Sunday, November 19, 2006

C.S.S. - 'ALALA'

The Sky Report officially endorses C.S.S. as one of the hottest breakthoughs of 2006. 'Let's Make Love and Listen To Death From Above' is an instant classic. Their new single "Alala" is not a bad follow-up. Check it out.

But I still wonder why, when I made an attempt to meet lead singer LOVEFOXXX when CSS played The Mezzanine recently, did she just throw her hands up in the air in a sort of psycho-shimmy when I tried to shake her hand at the T-Shirt stand.

LOVEFOXXX, I love you. You are the shit. But don't forget it's geeks like me that are making you what you are. Shake a music nerd's hand when he offers. I'm just sayin'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CSS Suxxx!CSS Suxxx!CSS Suxxx!