It's been a long time coming! CUT COPY are apparently finishing up their second album at the DFA studios in New York this month. "Bright Like Neon Love" remains one of my favorite albums of the last decade...no matter what my mood is like, it always sounds good.
The new single, "Hearts On Fire" takes the Aussie group in a slightly new direction, clearly finding influence in the unmistakeable bass lines of NEW ORDER by track's end. In any case, it's a great electro-dance track. Catchy. Hooky. Sugar-coated fun.
Hear the new single here!
Cut Copy official site
The amazing thing about this track is that somehow I feel okay about the sax solo. Usually one sax solo can ruin anything for me.
I completely agree about the greatness of this track and the stellar sax solo. While I usually like trumpets, saxophones often come off as cheesy--but Cut Copy gets it right and it's one of my favorite parts of the song!
Does anyone know if it's a real horn or a simulated one? It sounds real, but I wouldn't put it past these guys to use some kick-ass sax software.
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